TRE – Trauma Release Exercises

TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) is a pioneering series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. It was created by David Berceli based on the concept of shaking as a form of healing, which is explained in the book Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine

The exercises target the psoas muscle, which runs from the lower spine to the pelvis, to induce whole-body tremoring and release chronic or acute stress and tension. It is effective for anyone, regardless of age or background, and can help with everyday stress and deep-rooted trauma.

The basis of how this innovative treatment works is explained in Peter Levine’s book which explores the concept of shaking as a form of healing, which has been used for thousands of years in shamanic traditions. Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing (SE), argues that traumatic symptoms are caused by an overwhelmed response to a perceived life threat, not the traumatic event itself. He draws on his study of animal behaviour, citing how animals like gazelles shake their bodies to discharge energy after facing life-threatening situations, releasing the trauma and avoiding symptoms of PTSD. 

According to Levine, suppressing shaking or tremors can result in stored tension and physical symptoms like headaches and stomach problems. He believes that the body strives for homeostasis and has a self-healing capability.

How Does The Body Handle Trauma?

Stressful and traumatic events trigger a survival response known as the fight, flight or freeze response, which involves the activation of the somatic muscles and the autonomic nervous system. This highlights the close relationship between the body and survival mechanisms related to stressful or traumatic experiences. Studies show that threatening situations prompt the body to curl inward, protecting the front of the neck, chest, and abdomen in a manner resembling the foetal position, which is the safest position for the human body.

TRE – Trauma Release Exercises

TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) is a pioneering series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. It was created by David Berceli based on the concept of shaking as a form of healing, which is explained in the book Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine

The exercises target the psoas muscle, which runs from the lower spine to the pelvis, to induce whole-body tremoring and release chronic or acute stress and tension. It is effective for anyone, regardless of age or background, and can help with everyday stress and deep-rooted trauma.

The basis of how this innovative treatment works is explained in Peter Levine’s book which explores the concept of shaking as a form of healing, which has been used for thousands of years in shamanic traditions. Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing (SE), argues that traumatic symptoms are caused by an overwhelmed response to a perceived life threat, not the traumatic event itself. He draws on his study of animal behaviour, citing how animals like gazelles shake their bodies to discharge energy after facing life-threatening situations, releasing the trauma and avoiding symptoms of PTSD. 

According to Levine, suppressing shaking or tremors can result in stored tension and physical symptoms like headaches and stomach problems. He believes that the body strives for homeostasis and has a self-healing capability.

How Does The Body Handle Trauma?

Stressful and traumatic events trigger a survival response known as the fight, flight or freeze response, which involves the activation of the somatic muscles and the autonomic nervous system. This highlights the close relationship between the body and survival mechanisms related to stressful or traumatic experiences. Studies show that threatening situations prompt the body to curl inward, protecting the front of the neck, chest, and abdomen in a manner resembling the foetal position, which is the safest position for the human body.

What is TRE?

TRE is an effective way to release stress and tension from the body. The technique involves seven exercises aimed at stimulating the psoas muscles and inducing whole-body shaking or tremoring. This helps to release chronic or acute stress and tension, promoting balance, relaxation, and freedom from stress. TRE is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or background, and is effective for both everyday stress and deep-rooted trauma.

What is TRE?

TRE is an effective way to release stress and tension from the body. The technique involves seven exercises aimed at stimulating the psoas muscles and inducing whole-body shaking or tremoring. This helps to release chronic or acute stress and tension, promoting balance, relaxation, and freedom from stress. TRE is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or background, and is effective for both everyday stress and deep-rooted trauma.

How Does TRE Work?

Trauma Release Exercises aim to release tension and stress by inducing a whole-body tremoring through the psoas muscle, which runs from the lower spine to the pelvis. The psoas muscle is often contracted during the fight-or-flight response, but TRE works by tiring the muscles in the legs and hips to initiate the tremoring. During a session, tremors often start in the legs and can spread throughout the body, wherever tension needs to be released. The tremors are involuntary but can be stopped at any time.

With the help of a practitioner, you are led through a set of seven exercises designed to activate and tire out the leg and hip muscles, which culminates in a period of tremoring on the floor. Beginners usually tremble for 5-15 minutes, followed by rest and discussion about their experience. The session ends with an integration of sensations and information.

What Does TRE Feel Like?

The experience of Trauma Release Exercises can vary from person to person. The way the body releases stress depends on the nature and extent of the stressors. For instance, a single traumatic event can lead to a big release, while chronic stress may cause a gradual release. The tremors can range from big movements in the muscles to tiny contractions that feel like electrical frequencies. TRE is not painful and is often enjoyable for people.

During a TRE session, the goal is to relax and allow the body to unwind on its own. There is no need for mental processing of past traumatic experiences. The mind can simply observe as the body releases stress. After a session, the effects can vary, ranging from increased energy to the need for rest. The important thing is to listen to your body and allow it to guide you through the process.

The Science Of TRE?

When the body experiences stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated to help navigate perceived unsafe situations. This is the body’s response to stress and can result in physical sensations such as butterflies in the stomach, tightness in the chest, or shaking. In animals, this is often resolved by shaking off the stress after the event. However, humans often suppress these impulses, leading to stored tension in the body. Over time, this can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms such as pain, insomnia, or autoimmune diseases.

Tremoring through exercises like TRE can help release this stored tension and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing the body to return to a state of balance and rest. This can improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing for healing to occur. By letting the body naturally release stress, it is possible to regain and maintain health.

Where Did TRE originate?

TRE was created by David Berceli, a well-known expert in trauma. Berceli observed common physical patterns among trauma survivors while working with people around the world who had suffered from natural disasters, war, and other traumatic events. This inspired him to develop the technique to help people heal. Research has shown that Trauma Release Exericises can be beneficial for individuals with PTSD, multiple sclerosis, restless leg syndrome, and even for those who just want to release stress from everyday life. The method has gained widespread popularity over the years.

How Does TRE Help Regulate Our Emotions?

The focus on self-regulation is a crucial aspect of Trauma Release Exercises. The ability to control and manage one’s emotions and experiences during the process is key to achieving effective results. A TRE practitioner should provide close guidance to help individuals stay in the present moment while they undergo tremoring. Trauma Release Exercises is only effective if performed in a relaxed state. The tremoring movements gradually relieve stored stress, but if the body and mind are not in a suitable state, it may trigger a traumatic response. It’s essential to remember that the nervous system is highly intelligent and always works for our benefit. There is no such thing as a wrong nervous system response, only patterns that can become problematic if not addressed.


TRE Trauma Release Exercises are a pioneering form of therapy that helps the body release deep patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. The technique is based on the concept of shaking as a form of healing and works by inducing a whole-body tremoring through the psoas muscle, which runs from the lower spine to the pelvis. The tremoring helps to release tension and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The treatment has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD, depression, and chronic stress, according to several studies. TRE is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or background, and can be performed with the help of a practitioner. Overall, the goal of TRE is to allow the body to release stress and regain health and balance naturally.

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