Four Foods To Reduce Inflammation and Pain In The Body
Four Foods To Reduce Inflammation and Pain In The Body Inflammation is the body’s natural defence mechanism, activated by the
Frozen shoulder is a horrendously disabling, painful and frustrating complaint. Most people who experience frozen shoulder have been extremely healthy and active their whole lives and suddenly, out of the blue, get the bitter taste of what it’s like to live with an actual disability. No fun at all. The only positive you can take from the pain and disability that frozen shoulder brings is that it makes you highly motivated to get well. This is lucky because frozen shoulder takes a fair amount of tenacity and skill to resolve successfully in a satisfactory timeframe. When the rubber hits the road, and you’ve decided to get treatment for your frozen shoulder, what matters is making sure you are getting the right treatments and not the wrong ones. So, what are treatments that work for frozen shoulder?
Shockwave Therapy for Frozen Shoulder
Shockwave therapy is an excellent research-based way to treat the symptoms of frozen shoulder and dramatically speed up frozen shoulder recovery. Shockwave therapy was developed originally for the treatment of kidney stones. Amazingly, once this treatment was established, it became apparent to researchers that in addition to dissolving kidney stones, patients were also experiencing spontaneous resolution of stubborn pains.
There is a wide range of applications for shockwave therapy in pain management; it can be used for anything from tendinitis in your thumb right through to resolving stress fractures. In the instance of frozen shoulder, shockwave therapy helps dissolve the fibrous thickening in the joint capsule, much the same way it resolves the stones in kidney stones and the way that it dissolves calcification and shoulder tendons with calcific tendinitis. A few (if any) treatments can accelerate recovery from frozen shoulder as quickly and consistently as shockwave therapy.
Rehabilitation For Frozen Shoulder
The word rehabilitation is used here to refer to our actions in the long term to ensure the frozen shoulder doesn’t come back. So we are talking about relieving frozen shoulder and preventing future attacks of frozen shoulder. Rehabilitation for frozen shoulder is essentially the same as rehabilitation of posture. One of the primary underlying causes of frozen shoulder is the combination of sedentary work at a desk, usually combined with postural weakness (and also stress, FYI).
So in the long term, rehabilitating frozen shoulder is about strengthening the postural muscles and ensuring that you’re more upright over time. In nitty-gritty practical terms, this means spending 10 minutes a day doing strength exercises for your upper back. These can be done at the gym, but they can also be done at home quite quickly with some essential equipment, and ultimately, they are no more trouble than you already take to look after your teeth. This takes the pressure off the shoulder joint capsule, making you less susceptible to repeat cases of frozen shoulder.
Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder
Acupuncture is a treatment that has been used for literally thousands of years. And there’s a good reason for this; it reduces the symptoms of innumerable painful conditions. It seems a little weird that just putting some tiny needles into an injured or stiff body part would be helpful. It’s not as if you inject beneficial nutrients or chemicals into the area, yet it often brings excellent results. But the reason acupuncture is so often helpful is logical once you understand it.
When we go to the gym and lift weights, the muscle gets more robust because it has been moderately stressed; a moderate amount of stress is essential for healthy muscles, which is why we need to exercise regularly. Understanding this is the key to understanding acupuncture. Acupuncture puts low-grade pressure on the body and triggers changes in tissue, much like exercise does. Scientists refer to this as hormetic stress or ‘healthy stress’. In the case of frozen shoulder treatment, acupuncture and dry needling are excellent options for reducing pain signals, increasing blood flow and reducing muscle spasms. You could say the stimulation of needles generally helps with the ‘unfreezing’ campaign.
Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder
Acupuncture is a treatment that has been used for literally thousands of years. And there’s a good reason for this; it reduces the symptoms of innumerable painful conditions. It seems a little weird that just putting some tiny needles into an injured or stiff body part would be helpful. It’s not as if you inject beneficial nutrients or chemicals into the area, yet it often brings excellent results. But the reason acupuncture is so often helpful is logical once you understand it.
When we go to the gym and lift weights, the muscle gets more robust because it has been moderately stressed; a moderate amount of stress is essential for healthy muscles, which is why we need to exercise regularly. Understanding this is the key to understanding acupuncture. Acupuncture puts low-grade pressure on the body and triggers changes in tissue, much like exercise does. Scientists refer to this as hormetic stress or ‘healthy stress’. In the case of frozen shoulder treatment, acupuncture and dry needling are excellent options for reducing pain signals, increasing blood flow and reducing muscle spasms. You could say the stimulation of needles generally helps with the ‘unfreezing’ campaign.
Mobilisation For Frozen Shoulder
One more conventional and controversial way to treat frozen shoulder is to apply a general anesthetic and have an orthopaedic surgeon wrench the joint capsule complimentary; in much the same way as you might snap a big thick piece of wood off your knee. Truly. When a joint manipulation is so violent that you need to be knocked out for it, rest assured you are looking at a reasonably nausea-inducing spectator sport. For understandable reasons, orthopaedic surgeons are generally somewhat reluctant to give people a general anesthetic and then Hulk Hogan their shoulder joint loose. So many people with frozen shoulder ultimately don’t get offered this option and elect for the more common method of just waiting.
At the more soft and cuddly end of the frozen shoulder treatment spectrum, it is possible to gradually mobilise frozen shoulder over months—much the same as you might think about increasing progressively hamstring flexibility by putting in gentle repetitions. However, the difference between mobilising frozen shoulder and stretching a hamstring is that you need a practitioner to do much of the work with the shoulder. Regular weekly joint mobilisation combined with some of the other frozen shoulder treatments can be a very effective way to speed up the recovery of the frozen shoulder; for those who don’t want to be anaesthetised and get beaten up by a grown man.
Conclusions On Frozen Shoulder Treatment
The journey towards full resolution and long-term prevention of frozen shoulder can feel a little daunting. However, it need not feel that way if you start from acknowledgement and faith that millions of others have been on this journey and had successful outcomes. With the right tools, sensible approaches and the right mindset, the whole process becomes something you chip away at and eventually get there. Then you’re back to being one of those fortunate people who doesn’t live with a permanent disability in no time.
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