Hip Pain Treatment

Our service is for people who want to be truly free from chronic hip pain. This involves hip pain treatment that heals the real causes of hip pain, deep in the body and nervous system.  It also means moving beyond over-simplistic ‘symptom based’ approaches to hip pain.

Our hip pain treatments combine cutting-edge technology, hands-on methods, tailored rehab programs and stress management. This enables us to manage everything from fresh hip injuries to the most stubborn treatment-resistant hip pain cases.

We provide transformative hip pain treatment in a welcoming and friendly environment. For us, genuine care and authentic communication are not bonus features. They are healthcare fundamentals.

Biomechanical Analysis

Laser Therapy

Home page icons 2nd option

Shockwave Therapy

Fascia Release


Custom Orthotics

Gold Standard Hip Pain Treatments

Our hip pain treatment aims to relieve your hip pain as quickly as possible. Using treatments that ease muscle spasm, increase tissue mobility, improve blood flow, decrease inflammation & break up scar tissue.

Our hip pain treatments combine some of the most advanced pain management technologies available anywhere with a range of manual pain relief methods. Our vision for the care we provide is pretty simple  ‘’All the stuff that actually works and none of the stuff that doesn’t – under one roof’’’. 

We also provide preventative rehabilitation care. If you are concerned about pain relapses in the long term, combining specific sets of core and hip exercises with tailored ergonomic principles is the key to preventing recurrence in most cases of stubborn hip pain.


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Book an online consultation and get personalized advice from the comfort of your home. Our licensed practitioners are here to assess your concerns, provide expert diagnosis, and offer treatment recommendations—all through a secure virtual session.

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027 508 8083


Hip Pain Causes

The first thing most people think of when you say ‘hip pain’ is arthritis. There is however a lot more to the topic of hip pain than wear and tear. Become better informed with our overview of the possible causes of your hip pain.

Hip Pain Treatments

There are almost as many hip pain treatments as there are causes of hip pain. The trick to effective hip pain treatment is finding out what combination of treatments works to bring relief in your individual cause.

Hip Pain Exercises

Most hip pain sufferers have some underlying weakness of the muscle that supports their hip, they also tend to have some loss of hip joint mobility. Our targeted exercise program tackles both these issues head-on.

Hip Pain Treatment FAQ

The best treatment protocol for hip pain is the most flexible one. If you are lucky you might get relief with a single therapy like acupuncture. The longer you have had hip pain for though the more likely it is that you will need a more flexible approach. An important principle in most cases of hip pain is to incorporate pain treatments with rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the hip stabilising muscles, much like you would for the core in instances of back pain. 

Useful treatment approaches for hip pain can  include… 

Deep Tissue Release
Post Isometric Stretching
Suction Cups
Scar Tissue Release
Vibration Massage
Custom Insoles
Glute & Quad Strengthing
Lifestyle Alterations

Yes massage of the muscles around the hip can be a very good way to help manage pain while you are working towards resolution of your hip pain. 

The best exercises for most cases of stubborn hip pain are those which strengthen the stabilising muscles of the entire leg. . Being more specific, the best type of exercises are those that carefully and persistently challenge your ability to balance and bear weight in a coordinated way. 

For many with a history of hip pain it won’t be possible  to do this kind of rehab comfortably and safely until your pain is under control via effective treatment methods.

If you have extremely and persistently stiff hips and they also hurt and click you may have some form of arthritis. Don’t freak out though because there are many other possible causes. If you suspect you might have arthritis, get checked out by a qualified professional, x Rays are the only way to know for sure. 

The most common approach to osteoarthritis/arthritis of the hip is to passively watch and wait until the pain is bad enough, then replace the joint. There is no question that in a percentage of cases of hip arthritis this is essentially what is needed. It is worth knowing however, there are countless millions of people alive today with arthritic hips will never require surgery. It is a little known fact that the majority of hips with arthritic changes will essentially live a long and happy (if slightly stiff) life without surgery. 

A wise approach on learning that you have osteoarthritis of your hip at any age,  is to take very very good & proactive care of that hip and all the other parts of your body that hip relies on. A purposeful daily regime of strength and balance exercises for your feet, knees and hips plus regular stretching sessions,  and insoles for your shoes (if you need them) would be a great start. Many people also report great improvements in the ‘wellbeing’ of their hips with correct nutritional support also. 

Do absolutely everything within your power to strengthen, mobilise, support and care for your hips (under the guidance of someone who can show you what specific measures you require). Then if you still find your quality of life so poor that a hip operation seems inviting then maybe it is what you need. 

There are many possible causes of hip pain, all of which relate to their own specific types of physical stress, injury or physical disease. Possible causes of hip pain include but are not limited to… 

Habit based movement issues
Muscles weaknesses & imbalances 
Soft tissue injuries 
Tendonitis / tendonosis 
Bone fractures 
Excessively flat feet or high arches
Joint infections 
Osteoarthritis or wear & tear
Inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis 

Figuring out what is causing your hip pain is a job for the professionals. Don’t be tempted to use guides like this to diagnose yourself, they are just for reference purposes.

If you are becoming chronically stiff in your hips over time; it is quite likely that you have some specific movement issues, imbalances or weakness in your lower limb. There is an example that we see in clinic on a daily basis, the patient who has very flat feet that are causing their hips to stiffen up over time. If your arches drop when you walk 10,000 times a day,  it can easily cause repetitive strain and stiffness in the hips over time. Most of these patients don’t realise why they are becoming so stiff. 

Other examples of undiagnosed issues that can cause stiffening of the hips include, people with muscle wasting from old injuries that were never properly rehabilitated, and people with unusually high arches. There are many other possible mechanical ‘patterns’ that can cause your hips to stiffen up slowly. It is also the case that a genetic predisposition towards weak cartilage, or certain types of arthritis,  can lead towards premature stiffening of your hips

Effective treatment for hip bursitis starts with figuring out what has caused the bursae to become inflamed in the first place,  and dealing with that. Hands on type treatments to ease the pain of bursitis can be extremely useful and bring great relief. Mobilising tendons and muscles, releasing joint stiffness and promoting blood flow in and around the bursae May bring rapid relief. To these ends, cupping, stretching and acupuncture can all be useful tools. 

Many of that people who receive successful treatment bursitis, find that it wasn’t actually the enlarged bursae that was causing their pain. Enlarged bursae are extremely common in areas of weakness and mechanical stress,  and they are easy to see on ultrasound, this high visibility doesn’t necessarily mean the bursae is the ‘cause’ of the pain. There are many other soft tissue structures around that bursae that may be causing the person’s pain. These other tissues (like tendons) are often the key to easing bursitis pain. 

Lots of people have clicky hips, some are painful and others are completely painless clicks. Many hips that click are minutely unstable in certain positions, others simply click as a tendon or ligament passes over a prominent piece of bone. Sometimes if the hip cartilage is degenerated or damaged it can catch intermittently,  which makes a click sound. 

Even amongst healthcare providers,  there can be a fair amount of guess work in figuring out the reason for a click. If you have a stubborn click in your hip it may be under a bit of mechanical stress, it makes sense to get not only the hips but the movement patterns of the whole leg checked. 

Take A Tour Of Our Wellington Clinic

Our team offers a wide range of treatments, helping you to achieve your recovery goals. 

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Featherston Street Pain Clinic

3/23 Waring Taylor Street


Main Street Pain & Injury Care

82 Main Street


Jackson Street Pain & Injury Care

1 Jackson Street

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