EMDR Trauma Treatment – A Quick Guide

Here in our EMDR Trauma Treatment – A Quick, we give you the basic on EMDR, what is is, how it works helps

What Does EMDR stand for: 

EMDR Treatment Principles: 

EMDR Treatment Purpose:

EMDR Treatment History:

EMDR Treatment Theory:

  • When a disturbing event occurs, it’s not necessarily the event itself that harms us but how it is stored in our bodies.
  • In the animal world, we see examples of prey bouncing back to relaxed states after being hunted by lions. How is this possible? On observation, after the hunting episode has been survived, you can witness the bodies of animals, like antelopes, physically shaking. This is the body releasing the ‘panic energy’ from its system, allowing the antipode to return to a peacefully grazing state. 
  • Unlike animals, human brains are more developed, and although our panic response is like the antelope, our smart human brains will, after the event, take over and add both logic and emotion to the experience. 
  • This can make us fearful, with any reminder of the event triggering a reaction in our body – Heart rate increase, sweaty palms etc.

EMDR – Eye Movement – EM:

  • Why? This back-and-forth movement, seen during REM sleep, connects the brain’s left and right hemispheres, engaging logic and emotion. This allows our brains to sort through events, placing them appropriately into a rational timeline rather than fragments of stuck memory.
  • It is believed that bringing information forward allows the body to finish processing the traumatic energy. 

EMDR – Desensitise Reprocessing – DR:

  • As the brain has a chance to process the traumatic memory correctly, most people find the impact of the event is eliminated or reduced. Often, irrational negative beliefs will have shifted towards more positive, hopeful ones.
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