5 Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction
Introduction To Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
The shocking truth about erectile dysfunction is that the percentage of men who suffer from it is the same as whatever age they are. In a moment, that will make sense. So 30% of 30-year-olds suffer from erectile dysfunction, 40% of 40-year-olds suffer from erectile dysfunction, 50% of 50-year-olds, etc.
Erectile dysfunction treatment is inevitably big business. And big business means the market is filled with many options. In this blog, we will briefly discuss four of the most popular approaches.
Cialis For Erectile Dysfunction
Cialis is an incredibly popular treatment for erectile dysfunction and can assist greatly with the symptoms. Experts believe that whilst also assisting with immediate erectile function Cialis taken consistently over time can also increase the strength of the muscles needed for a healthy erection. Cialis also has the benefit of working over several days rather than having to be scoffed immediately before sex.
Both these factors add up to a very appealing treatment option for countless men with erectile dysfunction. The only issue with this is that all medications can have side effects. There is also the fact that most men report that pharmaceutically induced erections are nowhere near as pleasurable as natural erections. The simple fact is that a growing number of us men would prefer to see if we can get healthier. happier, fitter and stronger without the use of drugs. Which is where more natural methods come in.
Exercises For Erectile Dysfunction
Experts agree In that the overwhelming majority of erectile dysfunction cases are caused by a loss of strength in the muscles that prevent blood from flushing back out of the penis during arousal This happy fact points to you a strong likelihood that you will find that strengthening these muscles will lead to an improvement in your erectile dysfunction learning to contract these muscles. Exercising the relevant muscles daily is a no-brainer for erectile dysfunction sufferers.
In more general terms, it is also widely agreed upon that general cardiovascular health is a major contributor to erectile dysfunction. In fact, the onset of erectile dysfunction has been observed as is a very reliable warning sign for cardiovascular disease This means that general fitness and general exercise levels should definitely be attended to if you suffer from erectile dysfunction and that the benefits of attending to this could be very significant. Yet another reason to exercise regularly!
Shockwave Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction
Shockwave therapy uses intense sound waves to strengthen and heal the tissue of the penis. It is a safe, painless and non-invasive way of approaching erectile dysfunction. That countless 1000s of men swear by. Furthermore, there is a substantial amount of research data that indicates that shockwave therapy is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.
The average response rate to shockwave therapy with erectile dysfunction is 60%. Yet this number can be significantly increased for those who are willing to support shockwave therapy with exercise and lifestyle improvements.
The reason for shockwave therapies’ popularity is that the effects are lasting, treatment is significantly less expensive than many other options, and it is completely safe and non-invasive. Furthermore, the erections you get as a result of shockwave treatment are completely natural and lead to a far more enjoyable sexual experience.
Stem Cell Injections:
The use of stem cells to treat erectile dysfunction is steadily increasing in popularity despite the fact that research in this area is in its infancy. In stem cell therapy, stem cells are harvested and injected into the penis, which causes tissue regeneration.
Stem cells form a very effective treatment for many conditions, and no doubt there are many cases of erectile dysfunction that respond well to them Sadly, the most prohibitive aspect of stem cell therapy is its extreme expense, which has led to a significant number of men travelling to countries like Costa Rica in order to seek treatment.
Many find stem cells are less appealing than others on this list due to the expense and relative lack of research. Yet they are definitely worth considering.
Viagra For Erectile Dysfunction
Viagra was an accidental discovery. In fact, it was a failed heart drug. After the research study on Viagra ended, the researchers found that unusually many recipients were reluctant to give the ineffective drug back. Eventually, it turned out that this was due to the enhanced sexual function they experienced, and the rest is a billion-dollar-blockbuster drug history.
Viagra is different to Cialis in that it works over a far shorter time span in which it ‘forces’ an erection. In other words, Viagra works. This means that if you are having serious trouble achieving and maintaining an erection, it is well worth considering. Our recommendation would be that you intend to use Viagra as a band-aid, while you hopefully work on some of the other treatments on this list.
General Thoughts
It’s important to be aware that not all treatments work for all men and that, in most cases, a combination of treatments/approaches to erectile dysfunction can be the best approach.
One takeaway from this blog should be that no matter what treatments you decide to receive, staying fit and performing pelvic floor exercises is an extremely logical, effective, scientifically proven, and cost-effective way of approaching erectile dysfunction, so it forms an excellent starting point for all men Seeking an improvement in this frustrating condition.
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